Friday, March 14, 2008

The Committee Members' Hat Trick

Every time I think I know a thing or two about volunteerism in the Jewish community, I talk to someone who knows at least three or more things that I never could have articulated as beautifully.

Yesterday, I sat down with my dynamic, discerning and damn smart shul President, Liz Kislik. While our primary objective was to brainstorm ideas for increasing synagogue membership, we covered various topics, as two professional consultants moonlighting as Jewish communal lay leaders/mothers/wives, etc. are inclined to do.

There were many moments of genius from Liz -- and here is just one that I am feeling selfless about sharing:

Liz's Three (but not only) Criteria for Committee Members

1) A positive attitude and a general sense of optimism

2) The ability to make intelligent and logical arguments

3) At least one other person should be willing to work with them!

Why do I love these? Because somewhere, between strict checklists of criteria and simple prayer for participation among the breathing, we just know at a gut level that Liz's criteria are what we are really looking for.

How else do I know these hold holy water? Because if you think about your committees that are not working, chances are you've got folks on them that are violating between 1 and 3 of these criteria. your President as smart as mine?


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